Emergency Response Toolkit

Tools to support municipal emergency services

Our emergency toolkit, made up of the mobile map package workflow, a situational awareness web app and the advanced spatial analysis, equips the Municipality of Clarington with reliable GIS tools and capabilities to effectively plan and respond to emergencies.

This Toolkit optimizes

  • Simplicity
  • Ease of Use
  • Customizability
  • Low Maintenance requirments

Tool 1: Situational Awareness 2.0

The sitautional awareness 2.0 application has been equipped with a buffer analysis tool, a directions, and a data tool that allows the user add additional data to the map. It also has links to the weather application and a live traffic watch dashboard in the navigations panel.

Click on the image below to play around and get a feel for the sitautional awareness 2.0 web application.

Situational Awareness Web App

Tool 2: Advanced Spatial Analysis

The network analysis is a strong tool to allow viewers to visulize drivetimes to reach evacuation centers. The MCDA visualizes areas of high and low risk allowing municipalities to better understand and prepare for potential hazards and emergencies.

Click on the image below to orient yourself with risk areas and drive times within the Municipality of Clarington.

Advanced Spatial Analysis via Storymaps

Tool 3: Offline Map (Mobile Map Package)

The offline Map package can be saved to any device, to be veiwed without an Esri License. Allowing any member of the emergency response team to get access critical information in the event of an internet outage.

The short GIF below displays how the offline map package would be used in the case of an internet outage.

GIF Demo of offline map functionality